Periodontal Disease and its Link to Systemic Health Problems

Heart disease, stroke, diabetes and pre-term births are all affected by the level of periodontal control in patients. Are your patients under control? One recent study showed an 84% reduction in pre-term, low birth weight babies with scaling and root planning. TIME Magazine listed “brushing and flossing” as one of the few things a person can do to live longer due to inflammation control.

This presentation is a fast-paced review of periodontal disease and its effect on overall health and disease.

Two-hour course recommended for dentists, hygienists, and assistants.


Dr. Marty Nager is a board certified periodontist with a private practice in Warwick and Narragansett, Rhode Island. He is a former assistant clinical professor at Boston University School of Dental Medicine and instructor at the University of Rhode Island School of Dental Hygiene. He is a member of the Pierre Fauchard Academy, and is a fellow in the International College of Dentistry. He is a past President of the Rhode Island Dental Association.


©2006 Dr. Marty Nager. All rights reserved.